School Expections and Rules

Updated: 25/08/2023 2.43 MB

Attendance and Punctuality

Students must be outside their tutor rooms before 8.25am and seated in their tutor room by 8.25am. Lateness will lead to loss of break and privileges. We reserve the right to set formal detentions for lateness – this will be recorded after every 2 late arrivals. All students are expected to maintain AT LEAST 97% attendance. Any attendance below 95% is unacceptable, will require medical evidence for any absence and may be referred to the local authority. Attendance of below 90% equates to one day’s absence per timetable cycle (2 weeks) and is known as ‘persistent absenteeism’ this is highly likely to affect student outcomes and is reflected in school references unless this absence is authorised with support of medical professionals.

Following amendments to the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations which came into effect from 1st September 2013 and reaffirmed by the high Court in May 2017, fixed penalty fines will be issued to any parent who takes their children out of school unless the Headteacher has authorised this, because of “exceptional circumstances”.


All students are expected to be smartly dressed in full school uniform at all times on the premises and whilst travelling to and from school.

School uniform supplier is PMG Schoolwear (

Items that are only available from PMG Schoolwear are marked with a †

All Students must have:

  • School blazer†
  • Sky blue shirt
  • School clip-on tie†
  • Smart black trousers or black pleated school kilt†
  • Black ankle socks or tights (at least 30 denier) No knee high socks.
  • Smart substantial shoes.  Please see additional guidance below.

Students may choose to have:

  • V-neck school jumper†
  • A black or navy outdoor coat for wearing to and from school and outside only
  • For P.E. students must have:
  • School sports shirt†
  • School hoody†
  • Navy blue shorts with no markings or branding. These must be loose fitting.
  • Football socks†/white socks (for summer)
  • Suitable trainers (no high tops or converse shoes)
  • Football boots (required for boys and girls)
  • Shin pads – now compulsory for football
  • Gum shields (essential for contact sports such as rugby)

For PE students may choose to have:


  • Spare socks
  • Navy tracksuit bottoms, with no markings or branding
  • Students in years 7-9 will have the option to buy a school branded skort †instead of shorts
  • Students in years 10-11 have the option to wear school branded leggings† or a skort† instead of shorts

For PE lessons skort length must be half way between the hip and knee. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons, so we advise not wearing to school on PE days. Please do not time piercings with school time, as the period of non-removal following a piercing will impact on PE lessons. Hairbands are essential for long hair.

Which shoes are acceptable?

Black substantial shoes that protect feet fully.

Plimsolls, boots, canvas, soft fabric, suede/suedette, velvet or trainer style shoes are not acceptable and are not adequate footwear in inclement weather.  They are also insufficient protection in technology and science lessons.  Trainers or trainer style are not permitted.


Which trousers are acceptable?

Smart tailored black trousers – from PMG Schoolwear or any other retailer providing they are of the same material and design. No other design or material will be acceptable i.e. skinny trousers, jeggings, jeans, cropped, chinos etc.

Which skirts are acceptable?

Kilts as sold by PMG Schoolwear, these must be black pleated material and not Lycra or stretched fabric and worn at knee length at all times. Please ensure there is enough room for growth during the year as they will be unacceptable once shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Pleated skirts with a dropped waistband are NOT permitted. Skirts are not permitted to be rolled.

What happens if I do not wear the correct uniform?

Any student who fails to attend in the appropriate uniform/shoes will be temporarily loaned both uniform and footwear. There are no exceptions to this. Should we run out of uniform, we will request parents attend school to bring in the correct uniform.

Students are expected to wear their uniform with pride at all time on route to and at school. This includes:

  • Shirt tucked in
  • Top button fastened
  • Clip-on tie attached to top button
  • Blazer sleeves unrolled
  • Skirt not rolled up – Repeated infringements of this rule will result in the student having the privilege of wearing a skirt removed, to be replaced with smart tailored black trousers.
  • Blazers must be worn at all times except when given permission to remove them by a member of staff
  • Coats and jackets must be black or navy and removed once students enter the school buildings – additional guidance below
  • Religious head covering – if worn, must be plain black or blue with a school tie worn beneath.

Students should avoid wearing make-up to school. However, a small amount of discreet make-up is permitted. It should be sufficiently discreet so as not to be obviously noticeable. Heavy and highly visible make-up is not permitted. Any extremes of fashion including hairstyles, hair colours, false/acrylic/gel nails, false eyelashes and fake tan and nail varnish are not permitted in school. The final decision on whether make up or a hairstyle is unacceptable lies with any senior member of staff.




Students are not permitted to wear jewellery except for ear-rings. Small studs are the only ear-rings allowed, one in each ear lobe. Clear retainers or plasters over the top of piercings are not permitted. No other piercings or jewellery are allowed including rings, bracelets and necklaces. Students are reminded of this rule at the beginning of the year and if found to be wearing jewellery the item will be confiscated and the student will be isolated for the remainder of the day.

Mobile Phones and Bluetooth Devices

Whilst students are permitted to have mobile phones or other electronic devices on their way to and from school, once on the school site and past the blue school gates they must be switched off and in the bottom of the school bag. In addition any associated accessories such as ear phones or smart watches/devices must be removed from the person and placed into the bag. If students are seen using the mobile phones or Bluetooth devices, or if they are visible in pockets beyond the school gates they will be confiscated. Phones on silent and in pockets will be considered to be in use. Phones should only be switched on once students leave the school site. A confiscated phone/electronic device will be handed to the year office. If a phone is confiscated for a second time it will only be returned to a parent. If a phone is confiscated for a third time the student will not be able to bring a phone with internet capacity to school.

Additional Possessions

All possessions brought to school are 'at the owner's risk'. Valuable items should be left at home; but parents are advised to insure musical instruments and bicycles – bicycles must be individually locked with a padlock and chain or ‘D’ lock. They must also be properly maintained and in road worthy condition. Wearing a cycle helmet to and from school is compulsory for the safety of our students.

Scooters and skateboards MUST not be ridden on the school site beyond the security barrier. Scooters and skateboards brought into school are ‘at the owner’s risk’ and must be locked. Scooter and skateboards are not permitted to be stored in classrooms or year offices.

Electric scooters/one wheel electric scooters are not permitted on the school site.


Every student must have a fully equipped clear pencil case to include 3 black and 3 green pens, 2 whiteboard pens, 2 pencils, a protractor, a pair of compasses, a scientific calculator, a ruler, a rubber, their student planner, a reading book, their knowledge organiser, their revision folder (Year 11) as well as any other useful equipment requested by their teachers. They need this every day and this will be checked every tutor time.

A complete pencil case as shown on the left can be purchased on wisepay (

Student Planners

Students MUST not graffiti or deface the planner they are given; it remains school property and should be treated with respect. Students will be asked to replace the planner at a cost of £3 should this be deemed necessary by ANY member of staff.

Every student must record all home learning into their planner or their next steps. Each planner MUST be seen and signed by their form tutor and a parent or guardian on a weekly basis. IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THIS HAPPENS.

Parents/guardians/carers may use the planner to write notes to staff, and staff will regularly use the students’ plannerto write notes home. If, for some reason, a student does not have a planner they must obtain a temporary daily sheet during registration.

Student movement around school

• Students are not permitted to enter corridors during break or lunch unless for exceptional circumstances.

• Students are not permitted to eat or drink whilst in corridors.

• Students are asked to keep to the left when moving between lessons and keep noise level to a minimum.

• Students are not permitted out of class during lessons unless permission has been given by their class teacher.

• Students are only permitted to leave a lesson to use the toilet for medical reasons that the school have been informed about.

Detention Information

The Behaviour for Learning Policy makes it clear that a detention is part of the school’s discipline system hence the Courts, at all levels, will support the school’s right to detain a student. We do not legally need to gain parents consent or inform parents beforehand that we have set a detention. Detentions will be set via the student planner. The sticker will be put in on the day it is to be served and MUST be signed by parents/guardians/carers.

When a student has disrupted the learning of other students a same day detention is set, we will inform parents via a text message, so it is essential that contact details are kept up to date via the SIMs app.

Attendance at detention cannot be rearranged for personal reasons – formal detentions will be set for sixty minutes and can be set for the end of the same day. There is no legal requirement to give 24 hours’ notice but we will endeavour to do this if possible. If a detention is set for the same day as issued then parents will be informed via text message

Students must have a fully equipped pencil case, knowledge organiser and planner. Complete silence will be maintained throughout all detentions and a form explaining the reason for the detention will be completed by the student and signed off by a member of staff.

Unacceptable behaviour in the detention room may result in a suspension from school.

Please refer to the Behaviour for Learning Policy for further details