Poole High Sixth Form Dress Code


We have tried to keep the dress code in Poole High Sixth Form as simple as possible. Like any working, professional environment we expect students to adopt a mature, sensible approach which reflects the high standards expected.


Dress is expected to be of a good standard in cleanliness and decency. If you can look up it, down it or through it, then please do not wear it to school.  While you are not required to wear school uniform there will be occasions when smart dress is more appropriate e.g. school events, interview practice, presentations or visits to places of work. 


You should wear clothes, which are appropriate for the environment you are in; tracksuits and sports clothing for example are not appropriate for occasions such as interview practice. 


Students must adhere to the following dress code:


  • No provocative clothing, such as revealing tops 
    • lace, see through, etc
    • No spaghetti straps/crop tops/low cut/off the shoulder/backless/strapless. 
    • No midriff or shoulders whatsoever on show.
  • No ripped jeans (with rips above the knee)
  • No short skirts/dresses/shorts (more than 1 inch above the knee) – if it rides up, don’t wear it
  • No offensive slogans/graphic images or dangerous accessories
  • No leggings unless they are under a long top/dress that comes to at least 1 inch above the knee
  • No tight tracksuit bottoms or Lycra outside of PE lessons or exercise in the gym
  • Only knee-length shorts are permitted for both males and females unless actively doing sports
  • No sliders/flip flops/backless shoes
  • Clothes must not be transparent
  • Lanyards should be worn at all times.


Any student who is inappropriately dressed will be asked to go home and change.


Please note that if you have special dress or kit for practical subjects such as PE or sport then you are expected to change into normal dress for other lessons or activities around the school.


The Head of Sixth Form and members of the Sixth Form team reserve the right to decide whether a particular item is suitable, and if necessary send a student home if dress is unsuitable. If in doubt, seek advice.