Welcome to the Media Studies Department

The media play a central role in contemporary culture, society and politics. They shape our perceptions of the world through the representations, ideas and points they offer. The media has real relevance and importance in our lives today, providing us with ways to communicate, with forms of cultural expression and the ability to participate in key aspects of society.

Media Studies is a popular choice at Poole High School as students study a wide range of media forms and products through the theoretical framework of media. Media products are also studied in relation to relevant contexts, and learners will study and apply a range of theoretical perspectives. Students will also develop practical production skills. The course will require students to work independently and be able to critique a range of theories and approaches. Success in the course will depend on the students being self-motivated and carrying out independent research.

Departmental Courses

  • GCSE Media Studies
  • BTEC Creative Media Production
  • GCE Media Studies

Who do I contact for more information?

Mr W Clarke (w.clarke@poolehigh.poole.sch.uk)

Media Studies – GCSE Media Studies

Why study Media Studies?

Studying the GCSE Media Studies course at Poole High School will introduce students to a variety of different media and lay the foundations for further study at A Level and degree level.

Media Studies is both a theoretical look at the media and a hands-on approach. Students look at how the media works, so written analysis and the ability to communicate, using media terminology, is essential. There are also a number of practical projects to choose from, so students can use their creative side too.

Topics include:

  • Newspapers – who owns them, and who decides what makes the news?
  • Magazines – how do they represent people and ideas within them?
  • Radio drama – how can radio dramas still be successful?
  • Video Games – who plays them, and how do they make money when they are free?
  • Film marketing – how does film marketing attract the right audience, and how do film studios continue to make their millions?
  • Advertising – how do advertisers use media language to persuade you to buy their products?
  • TV and Sitcoms – how does the TV in the modern age work, and how do sitcoms tell their stories?
  • Music Videos – how do the stars represent themselves and how does each video tell a story?
  • Practical coursework – can you apply everything you have learned to your own media production?

Which students do well in Media Studies?

  • …those with an analytical and inquisitive mind
  • …those who have good written communication skills
  • …those who like project work

Who do I contact for more information?

Mr W Clarke (w.clarke@poolehigh.poole.sch.uk)


Media Studies - BTEC Creative Media Production

Why study Creative Media Production?

This qualification is suitable for students who want to acquire technical knowledge and skills through a vocational context by investigating, exploring and creating media products. During the course, you will look at investigating and developing ideas through pre-production, production and post-production of media products. You will look at how the creative media industry works in relation to responding to briefs and feedback, planning and generating ideas.

Topics include:

  • Exploring Media Products
  • Developing Digital Media Production Skills
  • Create a Media Product in Response to a brief


The students’ work is regularly marked throughout the course. Students will work to coursework deadlines and at this time their teachers will mark and if required will allow students a further resubmission opportunity. A representative from the exam board then verifies the student’s two completed pieces of coursework and the awarded final grades. There is also one externally assessed unit - creating a media product for a specific brief, which is given by the exam board. At the end of the course, the candidates are awarded either a pass, merit, distinction or distinction*.

Which students do well at Creative Media Production?

  • …those who have a keen interest in creative media production
  • …those who wish to work in the media industry after studying
  • …those who wish to develop knowledge and understanding of the underpinnings of the media industry
  • …those who wish to improve key transferable skills

What can Creative Media Production lead to?

  • This qualification can lead students to A Level or BTEC Level 3 in Media.
  • Some students may go on to complete a media-based apprenticeship.
  • This is a useful qualification for those with ambitions to work within the media industry.


A-Level Media Studies

Students will study a variety of products for Component 1 of the exam. The areas of study include advertising and marketing, newspapers, radio, music video, video games and film. Students will focus on the four areas of the media framework which are: Media Language; Representation, Industry and Audiences. The products to be studied will include audio-visual products, posters, advertisements, music videos and radio shows.

Toward the end of year 1, students will complete their non-exam assessment which makes up Component 3 of the course. This component synthesises knowledge and understanding of the media theoretical framework gained through their studies. Students will create a cross-media production which will make up 30% of their overall grade.

In the second year, Component 2 will include the study of three media forms in-depth: television, magazines, and blogs and websites. Students will explore these media forms through close analysis, comparing the use of the media language and representations they offer in relation to relevant social, cultural, economic, political and historical context. Students will study the role of media industries in shaping media products as well as consider the way in which both mass and specialised audiences are targeted and addressed. The texts to be studied are: The Bridge; Life on Mars, Zoella and Attitude, Women’s Realm and Huck.


There are two external exams of 2 hours and 15 min and 2 hours 30 min (Component 1 and 2) and the submission of the NEA coursework.

Who can I contact for help?

Mr W Clarke (w.clarke@poolehigh.poole.sch.uk)


The study of media studies gives students the opportunities and experiences to consider a career in the booming media industry. The area in which we live is a burgeoning digital media hub, with numerous companies within the film, TV, web and gaming industries. We are also lucky to have two of the best creative media universities in the country nearby – Solent and Bournemouth – who we work with, and who have state-of-the-art facilities.

The study of media can lead to a vast range of careers within the industry. Students could consider a role in traditional or digital journalism, photojournalism or news reporting. They could look into the technical sides of TV and film production and consider roles such as camera crew, sound or lighting technician, special effects or various forms of production management. Careers in animation, graphic design and web design also link to media, as do screenwriting and editing. The job roles linked to media are endless and ever-changing, so this is a great subject to take to lead you into a fascinating career in the creative industries.

In addition to this, the study of audience and consumer needs links closely to careers in marketing, sales and advertising, and the theoretical aspects of the course tie in with branches of humanities and sociology and could help lead to careers in education, law and the public services.