Once again, we are delighted that Poole High Sixth Form students achieved in the top of tranche of schools, nationally. Our wonderful young people have shown such dedication, tenacity and resilience in the lead up to their first sitting of public exams. This year, we celebrate not merely a record number of students going on to university, but also, more students than ever succeeding in their first choices for the prestigious Russell Group university places too.
These include courses in Medicine, Psychology, Law, Mathematics, Criminology, History, Engineering, Computer Science and Neuroscience. Our large sixth form enables us to provide a wide curriculum with an unprecedented level of choice to secure success for all.
All courses are expertly delivered by highly skilled subject specialists in both academic and applied courses. Particular congratulations go to the following twelve students for achieving all grades at A or above (including triple starred distinctions (‘D*):
Dan McEwan (A*AAA), Derrik Johnson( A*A*A*), Christine Baldi (A*AA), Tiara Cheney (D*D*D*), Alicia Cree (A*AA), Kajan Muthusamy (A*A*A), Bob Pidgeon (D*D*D*), Harvey Rowan (A*A*A*), Isaac Walton (A*AAB), Tilly Woolridge (A*AA)
The heartfelt Thanks from so many parents this morning to our staff is so appreciated. Your recognition of our care and support for developing our young people in both an academic and more holistic sense means a great deal to us.
Paul Gray