Friends of Poole High School (FOPHS) are continuing our fundraising efforts to upgrade the Theatre facilities. Local businesses have been very generous in donating prizes and so we are delighted to be able to offer parents the chance to enter our Summer Raffle.
We have some fantastic prizes:
- £100 cash prize
- £20 Kerry’s Kitchen Voucher for Breakfast Box
- 2 take away Sunday roasts Penn Central
- 30min massage with Lorna Finlay Therapy
- 1 x 1hr voucher junior group lesson Brett Townsend Tennis Coaching
- 1 x 1hr voucher adult group lesson Brett Townsend Tennis Coaching
- Bottle of Wine and Box of Chocs
- 2hr architectural consultancy session with Ian Gault
- Easy Riders 2 x 1 hr SUP Board Vouchers
- Easy Riders 2 x 1 hr SUP Board Vouchers
- Easy Riders 2 x 1 hr SUP Board Vouchers
- Easy Riders 2 x 1 hr SUP Board Vouchers
- Easy Riders 2 x 1 hr SUP Board Vouchers
- Easy Riders 2 x 1 hr SUP Board Vouchers
- Wine (details tbc) (Tesco)
- 45 minute PT Session with Dyanamic Health
- £50 Photography Voucher (Samanta Prewett)
- £30 voucher for Balloon/Celebrations (Caroline Wise)
- Kerry’s Kitchen Italian Sweet Pastry Box
- Voucher and Styling Products from Barber Joe’s
- Wine donated by Tesco
- Pamper Box
Tickets are just £1 each. Payment deadline……. Friday July 9th 2021
The Draw will take place on Monday 12th July and winners will be notified during the week beginning 12th July. Payment can be made via Wisepay, either via the school website or the Wisepay APP, this is currently the only accepted method of payment.
Once you have paid we will allocate you ticket numbers which will then be placed in the random draw. For example, if you pay £5 you will be allocated 5 different ticket numbers so 5 chances to win!
Good Luck!!!