This year’s much anticipated Bournemouth Air Festival is set to engage with a new audience as confirmation of a new STEM area, sponsored by Atlas Elektronik UK (AEUK), is taking residence on the East Overcliff. STEM is an approach to learning and development that integrates the areas and challenges of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Located next to the RAF Village area the Atlas Elektronik UK STEM marquee will see a number of high profile local, regional and multinational companies and experts specialising in various STEM sectors gathered in one place. They will be on hand and ready to introduce and inspire the next generation of engineers, scientists, researchers, IT specialists, games developers and more.
Lisa Bowyer, Head of HR from AEUK said; “The Air Festival is the perfect platform to showcase careers specialising in a STEM education. The opportunities are vast, exciting and dynamic, there’s so much possibility. We’re delighted to be supporting this new area, to engage, offer advice and hopefully inspire children and young adults to choose a fulfilling and motivating STEM career.
Participating and on hand to talk to will be expert advice and representation from AIM Altitude, AEUK, Babcock International Group, BAE Systems, Bournemouth & Poole College, Bournemouth University, Cobham Mission Systems, Curtiss-Wright, Draken, EXplora Science Technology and Discovery Centre, RNLI, Spherea Test & Services Ltd, Ultra Electronics and Signature Technicair.
Jon Weaver, Air Festival Director added: “It’s great to work with such leading STEM representation from the local and regional area. It represents something new in the festival along with other changes we’re making to introduce maritime. The bigger air-displays have already been announced – and there’s more to come.
Councillor Mohan Lyengar, Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Leisure and Culture said: “It’s more great news for the air festival – along with last week’s RAF announcements. As always, we’ll keep our preparations rolling forward while staying attuned to any further developments and government announcements.
Regarded as the UK’s most successful civilian air show with brilliant day and night-time entertainment in the skies, on land and in the evening, the 2021 Air Festival takes place 2nd – 5th September.
For details visit bournemouthair.co.uk or follow the Air Festival crew on social media #bmthairfest
@bournemouthairfestival @bmthairfest @BmthAirFest
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