It is not easy to decide on a career if you do not know what qualifications you need or if you have favourite subjects but are not sure what fields they will be appropriate for. That’s why we suggest you have a look at the following sites which allow you to investigate, either through selecting the subjects you are studying or would like to study or by selecting the career you would like to investigate to find the relevant qualifications required. Click on any of the images or titles to find out more.

There are, of course, many more and we may well direct you through conversations in tutor time, assemblies, lessons or workshops as appropriate.

Don’t forget, you can always request a careers appointment with our qualified adviser by posting a request slip in the careers office or using the chat facility on the National Careers Website.


National Careers Service:

Find out about jobs by selecting from categories for comprehensive lists or entering a specific job role.

Take The 'Buzz Quiz' Careers Test. What Job Could You Do?

Discover your strengths and what makes you tick; some jobs you may enjoy.

My World of Work:

My World of Work | My World of Work


Discover the careers you could follow based on specific roles or investigate by comparing your subjects to related jobs.

Free Career Quiz

Discover your strengths and what makes you tick; some jobs you may enjoy.

Spartan Test