At Poole High School, you will undertake a stable careers programme provided through a variety of delivery. Through assemblies, workshops, presentations, guest speakers, challenges & competitions, enterprising initiatives, work place visits, work experience and careers fairs, alongside lessons within the PHSE programme and across the curriculum, you will develop knowledge and understanding of opportunities available post-16 and 18 as well as timely labour market information in order to help you make informed decisions about your future.

By the end of year 11, you will also have attended at least one careers guidance meeting with our level 6 qualified careers adviser, with further opportunities for appointments made available should you progress to our sixth form. Of course, you can request an appointment at any time and we would like you to be aware that anyone can access an online adviser via the National Careers Service from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 5pm Saturdays.

There are a multitude of websites available to support your decision making, offering information on a wide variety of job roles and careers and some of these websites will allow you investigate based on your interests or strengths.

Career Pilot This provides a self-assessment quiz, use this website to look at careers which interest you from your assessment and find out more about them, including what qualifications, Training & Courses options.


On the SACU website, you might like to complete a Spartan Test questionnaire which helps to generate new career ideas for you

Spartan Test on SACU -


If needed, you can get extra free careers advice from the National Careers Service. To speak to an adviser Call 0800 100 900 or use webchat 8am to 8pm Mon to Fri, 10am-5pm Saturdays.

National Careers Service - 



Careerometer: A tool to compare jobs

Use the Careerometer to compare different jobs — salary, working hours, etc.

Click the dotted square. Type in the first career you are interested in and select from the drop-down list, then add a second and third choice to see the comparison.

Skillsometer: A tool to link occupational skills to jobs

Use the Skillsometer quiz on the LMI For All website which can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future.

You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji that shows how you feel about each statement. You will be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing. Each job can be explored as a description is presented together with information on pay and hours. For further information on the job, and to compare it with other jobs, you could then go back to the Careerometer.


LMI (labour market information)

It is really useful to be aware of the current labour market as this can help you see where job demands are. Knowing what is available right on your doorstep to looking at the picture up and down the country can help you further in making informed decisions.

Select the link to see Dorset LEP's labour market insights as well as information on the latest key sector insights LMI