At Poole High School we have established a  comprehensive programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance that we consider to be an essential and integral part of a student’s learning and we work with a variety of partner organisations to provide the best guidance possible.

We have committed to gain The Quality in Careers Standard. We have incorporated this goal into our school development plan, aiming to provide an outstanding programme of CEIAG activities & guidance which will enable us to address the career development needs of all our students. We have already achieved Stage 1 Certification and are continuing to work towards higher levels as well as demonstrating successful meeting of the Gatsby Benchmarks by which schools measure their CEIAG provision.

Poole High School is keen to forge meaningful relationships with education providers, employers and businesses with a shared vision for the future.We are keen to ensure the students of today become successful employers and employees of tomorrow and welcome collaboration in identifying the skills, qualities and qualifications required to fulfil the ambition and aspirations of our pupils and the needs of our local organisations.

We ask that staff continue to provide dynamic and inspirational opportunities to bring careers learning both inside and outside of the classroom.

Our Gatsby Benchmarks

Gatsby is the measure by which schools evaluate their careers provision.

There are 8 benchmarks made up of 43 criteria. We are delighted to  have successfully demonstrated meeting each of these criteria as of Feb 2020. We are immensely  proud of this, particularly as the average across Dorset stands at 3.2 full benchmarks and furthermore, only 7% of schools nationally have achieved all 8.

Results - Compass

Updated: 13/03/2025 215 KB

Career Map

Updated: 09/04/2021 1.05 MB


Updated: 09/04/2021 1.60 MB

Step Ahead

Updated: 09/04/2021 1.11 MB

Subject posters from Amazing Apprenticeships

Subject Poster Bundle

Updated: 09/04/2021 376 KB

Gatsby Career Benchmarks

Updated: 09/04/2021 454 KB

Labour Market Information

Updated: 09/04/2021 475 KB

PHS Careers Policy

Further content to support your delivery of careers education within the curriculum and across the wider school can be found in the Teaching and Learning drive on the school network.

For further information or support please do contact me: