Sixth Form Open Evening
Find out all about our amazing Sixth Form! Our Open Evening will take place between 4.30pm and 7.30pm on Thursday 7 October and will be held in the Sixth Form area.
During the evening, you will have the opportunity to visit some of our Sixth Form teaching rooms and find out more about the courses, both academic and vocational that we have on offer at Poole High Sixth Form. There will also be the chance to speak to staff and current students about Sixth Form life and how we support all our students with their studies, future career aspirations and university applications.
You will find subject stalls located around the site for each of the subjects we have on offer. You will also find that our staff and students are looking forward to answer queries about how these courses operate over the two years of study. They will also be able to advise you of how the subjects you choose will support you in the steps you take after your study at post 16.
In addition to the subject staff, you will also be able to speak with the Sixth Form Team and discuss and find out more about all the other opportunities we have on offer at Poole High School. As well as studying for their academic qualifications, we give our students the chance to undertake work experience; be involved in student leadership; gain valuable skills and experience through enrichment activities; partake in extended learning and get involved in charity work, supporting good causes both locally and internationally.
The newly opened Academic Sports Programme will also be on show. The PE Department and their elite sports students will be in the sports hall to share what this part of our curriculum offers.
At Poole High Sixth Form, we understand how crucial the decisions for the next steps in study are and how many questions students and parents may have. This open evening is a perfect opportunity to find out more and help you make an informed choice about what subjects to take on for further study and how to make the application to our Sixth Form.
Please complete this form to register your attendance at the evening. If you would like any further information before the evening, please do not hesitate us on 01202 662 001.
We look forward to welcoming you on Thursday 7 October.
Mrs E Nash
Head of Sixth Form
Assistant Headteacher